International Conference on “Romani Diasporas, Romani Migrations”

International Conference on ‘Romani Diasporas, Romani Migrations’. The international conference on “Romani Diasporas, Romani Migrations” (2007 Annual Meeting of the Gypsy Lore Society) will take place at the University of Manchester, England, between 6-8 September 2007. It will be hosted by the Romani Project, in cooperation with the Migration and Diaspora Cultural Studies Network at the School of Languages, Linguistics & Cultures, University of Manchester. The event will take place alongside an international conference on “Creolising Europe”, hosted by the Migration and Diaspora Cultural Studies Network; participants will have unlimited access to both events.

Abstracts should be sent to the organisers, at the Romani Project of the University of Manchester; please refer to the Call for Papers.

Registration is handled by the US office of the Gypsy Lore Society; please refer to information on Registration.

Call for Papers.
Venue, travel and accommodation.
Contact information.